Case Studies

Case Studies

Corporate Security Management, Training and Investigations
2019-2020: A global automotive parts manufacturing company with operations throughout Europe, Asian, Mexico, El Salvador and Nicaragua suffered from unacceptable loss that was eating away at its profit and its ability to stay competitive in a very unforgiving market. Despite its many years in a multi-billion-dollar enterprises, the company never had a corporate security department or even local security management except for the in-country purchasing department contracting “guns-gates-guards” from local service providers. This manpower heavy approach to outsource physical security for installations denied the organization a cost-effective and integrated loss prevention program.
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Incident Response and Recovery
We received a call from our client, a family from New Jersey, requesting recovery and investigative support to have their daughter released from jail. The daughter had been vacationing in Aruba and was shot three times by Aruban authorities as she was fleeing a group of local men that had drugged her against her will and attempted to kidnap her. She was jailed and authorities ignored her story and seemingly intend to protect the image of Aruba as a safe travel destination for western tourists. The family needed to repatriate from this Caribbean country.
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Securing Manufacturing Operations in a Hostile Environment
The 2018-2020 Nicaraguan protests began on 18 April 2018 when demonstrators in several cities of Nicaragua began protests against the social security reforms decreed by President Daniel Ortega that increased taxes and decreased benefits. After five days of unrest in which nearly thirty people were killed, Ortega announced the cancellation of the reforms. Amidst a breakdown in public services and increasingly uncertain political and security situation unfolding nationwide, dozens of foreign entities from a variety of sectors were shut down due to unrest and riots throughout the Nicaragua. Seven Arrows Risk Management Services facilitated Executive Protection and facilitated the safe evacuation of their expatriate management team, close down local operations and recover their assets after violent civil unrest exploded throughout Nicaragua.
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